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In February of 2014 after 26 years of pastoral ministry God began to deal with our hearts about 

re-directing our steps and the focus of our ministry. We have always had a special place in 

our hearts for missionaries and the work they are doing around the world. Their willingness to 

leave the country of their birth and to serve God in a foreign land has always been admirable to 


It was during a mission’s trip to Nicaragua that we began to sense that God was calling us to do likewise. In October of 2016, after two and a half years of raising our support Deb and I moved to Managua to serve as missionaries to the nation.


We believe God has called us to proclaim His word across the nation in local churches and large crusades, to plant churches and help equip pastors to lead them, to raise funds for church projects, and to lessen the suffering of the neediest. We are excited about the future and all that God has in store for us.

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